Sum­mer inter­na­tion­al camp

In sum­mer 2025, Euler Found­a­tion is once again hold­ing an edu­ca­tion­al camp “For­mula of Unity”. School stu­dents of 14–20 y. o. from all over the world are invited to participate!

You can check out the his­tory of these camps here. In a world where sep­ar­a­tion and ali­en­a­tion between people are mostly grow­ing, we want to teach the next gen­er­a­tions how to truly under­stand each oth­er, cooper­ate, cre­ate togeth­er and find the com­mon while acknow­ledging our differences.
Cur­rently, the expec­ted list of par­ti­cipants includes stu­dents from Azerbaijan, Bul­garia, Cameroon, Ecuador, Rus­sia and Turkey. 

Summer international camp Summer international camp

Gen­er­al inform­a­tion about the camp

Struc­ture of the day in the camp

A typ­ic­al day in our camp con­sists of two parts equal in dur­a­tion and import­ance: an edu­ca­tion­al and a cre­at­ive one. 

Edu­ca­tion­al part

(Each par­ti­cipant chooses one pre­ferred sub­ject for all days of the camp.)

Cre­at­ive part

Summer international camp
Dur­ing the cre­at­ive part of the day par­ti­cipants divide into mixed-age groups and set up events that fill the even­ing. Stu­dents can expect to take part in many activ­it­ies, some of which have become a tra­di­tion in For­mula of Unity. For instance:

  • Dis­cus­sions
  • Intel­lec­tu­al games 
  • Role­play and busi­ness games 
  • Sport events
  • Vari­ous mas­ter­classes, includ­ing lan­guage classes held by stu­dents who are nat­ive speak­ers of oth­er languages 
  • Quests
  • ‘Candles’ (these’re even­ing talks in each group, where we dis­cuss a cer­tain top­ic and unite)
  • Train­ings and team building 
  • etc.

Par­ti­cipants will try them­selves as event organ­izers (take part in the ‘deed coun­cil’) and step into the role of daily lead­ers (‘duty com­mand­ers’). We will have the chance to cre­ate some­thing new and excit­ing, learn how to plan and man­age time in a way that is both mean­ing­ful and bene­fi­cial. We will work on express­ing opin­ions, defend­ing our view­points, and enga­ging in pub­lic speak­ing. As well sig­ni­fic­antly improve the inform­al com­mu­nic­a­tion skills in English. 

The group activ­it­ies will be super­vised by coun­selors – edu­cat­ors who will help the par­ti­cipants adapt to the camp envir­on­ment and facil­it­ate their cre­at­ive initiatives.

All the teach­ing, group activ­it­ies and daily com­mu­nic­a­tion will be in English!

You can read more about our approach here.

Cost of par­ti­cip­a­tion in the camp

Regis­tra­tion for the camp

Regis­tra­tion takes place in your Per­son­al Account:

Con­tact information