International Olympiad «Formula of Unity» / «The Third Millennium» continues two earlier independent Math Olympiads: «Formula of Unity» that took place in 2012/13 and «The Third Millennium» that has been conducted since 2001. The united Olympiad was first held in 2013/14 academic year.
Nowadays there is not only the Math Olympiad but the Physics, Chemistry and English one as well.
All Olympiads are organized by Euler Foundation and various Russian universities.
We invite schoolchildren of 5–11 grades from schools of Russia and schoolchildren of 11–17 years old from all over the world. The Olympiads are held in two rounds, the first one is extramural (October-November), the second one is intramural (February).
Olympiad problems are usually translated into several languages such as English, French, Persian, Russian, Spanish, Uzbek and some others. Contestants are allowed to write their solutions in those languages.
Participation is free of charge. All school students can take part in the first round and the winners of the first round are invited to the second round. Winners of the previous Olympiads (with diplomas of any degree) are also invited directly to the second round. Participants with the best results in the second round will be awarded with diplomas and invited (with reduced fee) to the international mathematical camp «Formulo de Integreco».
The Organizing Committee is available by e‑mail: for the Math Olympiad, for the Physics Olympiad, for the English Olympiad.
Our partners in different countries
Azerbaijan: Global Olimpic Center
Bulgaria: Математика без границ
Cameroon: Russian international school Galaxy
Ecuador: Olimpiada Matemática Ecuatoriana
Egypt: Salahaldin Future Stars language school
Georgia: Physics-Mathematics School No. 42
Iran: International Mathematics Contest Union
Mexico: Olimpiadas de Matemáticas en la Ciudad de México
Moldova: Tiraspol State University in Chișinău
Nigeria: Nigerian Tulip International Colleges
Romania: The International Computer High School of Constanta (I.C.H.C.)
Spain: ESTALMAT Andalucía
Türkiye: Rauf Taghiyev
Current Olympiads
English language
English language
English language
English language
English language