2024 — 2025: English language

School stu­dents of grades 5–11 from Rus­sia and of equi­val­ent grades from all over the world are invited to participate.

Par­ti­cip­a­tion in the com­pet­i­tion is free. All school stu­dents can take part in the qual­i­fy­ing round and the win­ners of it are invited to the final round. Win­ners of the pre­vi­ous Olympi­ad (with dip­lo­mas of any degree) are also invited dir­ectly to the finals.

Olympiad’s organ­izers

Nevsky Insti­tute of Lan­guage and Culture

Insti­tute of For­eign Languages

Mur­mansk Arc­tic State University

Con­tact us

You can send your ques­tions by e‑mail: olimp.​eng@​formulo.​org.

Current status: The qualifying round is over. The results will be published soon.

Chronology of events

All the news about the Olympiad are posted below from newest to oldest.

Thank you for par­ti­cip­at­ing in the qual­i­fy­ing round.

November 14, 2024

The qual­i­fy­ing round of the Olympi­ad is over!

The res­ults of the qual­i­fy­ing round of the Olympi­ad will be pub­lished on the web­site no later than Decem­ber 30, 2024.

Mes­sage from the organ­iz­ing committee

November 8, 2024

Dear par­ti­cipants, regis­tra­tion in your per­son­al account is avail­able again.

Mes­sage from the organ­iz­ing committee

November 7, 2024

Good morn­ing!

Dear par­ti­cipants, we have a major fail­ure. Over 2000 accounts have been registered in the last few days. Unfor­tu­nately, many people make a mis­take in their email address when regis­ter­ing, so our serv­er is tem­por­ar­ily blocked.

The organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee is already dis­cuss­ing the pos­sib­il­ity of extend­ing the qual­i­fy­ing round. We will def­in­itely let you know!

The Olympi­ad tasks are avail­able on the web­site. You can solve them without regis­tra­tion, and after restor­ing access, enter them into the system.

We apo­lo­gize!

Start of the qual­i­fy­ing round

October 20, 2024

Here is the qual­i­fy­ing (remote) round of the competition.

We will be happy if your friends who like Eng­lish also par­ti­cip­ate. How­ever, every assign­ment should be done indi­vidu­ally; oth­er­wise, your sub­mis­sion will not be considered.

The win­ners of Olympi­ad 2023/24 (those with Dip­lo­mas I‑III) can par­ti­cip­ate dir­ectly in the final round.


The qual­i­fy­ing round is tra­di­tion­ally held for stu­dents in grades 8–11 in a test format: for each task, you only need to enter the answer, which is either a num­ber or a let­ter. In some tasks, the answer may be a for­mula or the answer «no solu­tion».

How to sub­mit solutions

To par­ti­cip­ate in the «For­mula of Unity» / «Third Mil­len­ni­um» 2024/25 Eng­lish olympi­ad, it is neces­sary to sub­mit solu­tion by the dead­line of 23:59:59 UTC on Novem­ber 13, 2024 (which is 02:59:59 Moscow time on Novem­ber 14). Please register in our inform­a­tion sys­tem and sub­mit your solu­tions through the per­son­al account. Import­ant: if you already have an account, there is no need to cre­ate a new one.

Be sure to read the par­ti­cip­a­tion instructions.

We do not accept qual­i­fy­ing round works in any way oth­er than through upload­ing with­in the inform­a­tion system.


All ques­tions to the Organ­iz­ing Com­mit­tee about the prob­lem con­di­tions and the pro­ced­ure for con­duct­ing the Olympi­ad can be asked by email olimp@​formulo.​org or +7(981)-750–19-21 Alex­an­dra (write in What­s­app or Telegram).

Ques­tions about the oper­a­tion of the inform­a­tion sys­tem can be asked by email isys@​formulo.​org.

Regis­tra­tion for the Olympiad

October 2, 2024

Dear par­ti­cipants!

The start of the qual­i­fy­ing round is just around the corner.

Please do not worry that there are no cur­rent Olympi­ads in the «Olympi­ads» sec­tion of your per­son­al account.

We do not have pre­lim­in­ary regis­tra­tion for the Olympiad.

The Olympi­ad itself, the con­di­tions and the form for sub­mit­ting answers will be avail­able in your per­son­al account start­ing from Octo­ber 20 (the day the Olympi­ad starts).

Announce­ment of the Qual­i­fy­ing Round

September 3, 2024

The Olympi­ad is con­duc­ted in two stages, the first of which (the qual­i­fy­ing round) takes place in the autumn, and the second (the final round) takes place in February-March.

The qual­i­fy­ing round is con­duc­ted in an online format using remote edu­ca­tion­al technologies.
Dates for the online qual­i­fy­ing rounds:
Math­em­at­ics: 20.10.24 — 10.11.24
Phys­ics: 16.11.24 — 07.12.24
Eng­lish: 20.10.24 — 13.11.24

The final round is (usu­ally) held in per­son at region­al venues.
To par­ti­cip­ate, you need to register in our inform­a­tion sys­tem (re-regis­tra­tion is not neces­sary). On the day the Olympi­ad begins (20.10.24), all the neces­sary inform­a­tion will be sent to your email.

Win­ners of the Olympi­ad receive a spe­cial vouch­er for edu­ca­tion­al camps «For­mula Unity.»

You can also find all inform­a­tion about the Olympi­ad on the offi­cial page at the portal olimpi​ada​.ru.

For a more suc­cess­ful par­ti­cip­a­tion in the Olympi­ad, we recom­mend solv­ing prob­lems from pre­vi­ous years and study­ing the recom­men­ded lit­er­at­ure. You can also pur­chase col­lec­tions of Olympi­ad prob­lems from pre­vi­ous years in print.