2022 — 2023: English language

English Olympiad 2022-23School stu­dents of grades 5–11 from Rus­sia and of equi­val­ent grades from all over the world are invited to participate.

Par­ti­cip­a­tion in the com­pet­i­tion is free. All school stu­dents can take part in the qual­i­fy­ing round and the win­ners of it are invited to the final round. Win­ners of the pre­vi­ous Olympi­ad (with dip­lo­mas of any degree) are also invited dir­ectly to the finals.

Par­ti­cipants with the best res­ults will be awar­ded with dip­lo­mas and invited (with reduced fee) to the inter­na­tion­al camps «For­mulo de Integreco».

Olympiad’s organ­izers

North­ern (Arc­tic) Fed­er­al Uni­ver­sity.

Con­tact us

You can send your ques­tions by e‑mail: olimp.​eng@​formulo.​org.

Final Res­ults

We are pub­lish­ing an exten­ded pro­tocol that includes the res­ults of school­chil­dren who par­ti­cip­ated in the final stage out of the com­pet­i­tion. If you took part in the Olympi­ad, but your res­ult is not avail­able, please imme­di­ately inform the organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee by e‑mail, indic­at­ing the full name, class, city and code of the participant.

We also apply a table of points for vari­ous degrees of diplomas:

Dip­loma of the 1st degreeDip­loma of the 2nd degreeDip­loma of the 3rd degree

Chronology of events

All the news about the Olympiad are posted below from newest to oldest.

Pre­lim­in­ary res­ults of the final round

April 14, 2023

Dear par­ti­cipants of the final round:

The jury checked your work, and your res­ults can be seen in your per­son­al account.

Max­im­al points:
task 1 — 10
task 2 — 5
task 3 — 10
task 4 — 5
task 5 — 15

Tasks of the final round

Cor­rect answers to tasks 1–4

Not later than on April 20 you can file an appeal (in your per­son­al account).

You work can be reques­ted by email (solv.​lang@​formulo.​orgbefore April 18. Please indic­ate your coun­try, grade and the par­ti­cipant code. Please note that on April 16 there may be prob­lems in the work of our mailbox.


Date of the final stage

January 11, 2023

The final stage of the Eng­lish Lan­guage Olympi­ad will take place on March 19, 2023, at region­al plat­forms. The abil­ity to choose a site will be avail­able in your account at the end of Feb­ru­ary. Inform­a­tion about the order of par­ti­cip­a­tion will be sent to all par­ti­cipants by e‑mail.

Please pay spe­cial atten­tion to veri­fy­ing the data you provided dur­ing regis­tra­tion, in par­tic­u­lar your class number.

Update of protocol

January 5, 2023

We pub­lish the final pro­tocol of the qual­i­fy­ing stage:

Res­ults of the qual­i­fy­ing round

December 23, 2022

Dear par­ti­cipants!

Indi­vidu­al res­ults are avail­able in per­son­al accounts of our Inform­a­tion sys­tem. The par­ti­cipants who reached the threshold score will be invited to the final round.

And in the pro­tocol of the qual­i­fy­ing stage:

If you do not see your­self in the pro­tocol, then you have not yet filled in all the data in the IS account. The pro­tocol will be updated on Janu­ary 5th.

Threshold scores








13 points

12 points

12 points

11 points

10 points

11 points

11 points

The second (final) round of the Olympi­ad will be held in the end of Feb­ru­ary — March, 2023 at mul­tiple sites in vari­ous coun­tries. Detailed inform­a­tion about loc­a­tions will be avail­able near the start of the round.

The rules of the Olympi­ad do not provide for an appeal based on the res­ults of the qual­i­fy­ing stage, how­ever, the organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee is ready to cor­rect all detec­ted tech­nic­al errors. If you find an error in your per­son­al data, please write to the Organ­iz­ing Com­mit­tee immediately.

You can send your ques­tions (about both the prob­lems and the par­ti­cip­a­tion) to the organ­izers by e‑mail olimp.​eng@​formulo.​org.
Con­grat­u­la­tions to the final­ists and see you at the final stage!

Details of the participants

November 22, 2022

Dear par­ti­cipants of the Olympiad,
Please check the com­plete­ness and accur­acy of your per­son­al data in your per­son­al account: the last name and first name, the num­ber / name of the edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tion (an abbre­vi­ated name is allowed), the name of the city and the region where the edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tion is loc­ated. This must be done as soon as pos­sible. The res­ults of par­ti­cipants with incom­plete data, unfor­tu­nately, can­not be included in the pro­tocol of the qual­i­fy­ing stage.

Qual­i­fy­ing round is over!

November 16, 2022

Dear par­ti­cipants of the Olympiad!

The res­ults of the qual­i­fy­ing round, accord­ing to the reg­u­la­tions, will be pub­lished no later than Decem­ber 31.

Cla­ri­fic­a­tion on registration

October 26, 2022

Dear par­ti­cipants, from today the Olympi­ad is avail­able in the IS per­son­al account. We have attached the instruc­tions below.

Start of the qual­i­fy­ing round

October 19, 2022

Here is the qual­i­fy­ing (remote) round of the Eng­lish Olympi­ad ‘For­mula of Unity’/‘The Third Mil­len­ni­um’. We will be happy if your friends who like Eng­lish also par­ti­cip­ate. How­ever, every assign­ment should be done indi­vidu­ally; oth­er­wise, your sub­mis­sion will not be considered.

Stu­dents from all coun­tries, except those where Eng­lish is one of the offi­cial lan­guages, can par­ti­cip­ate in the Olympiad.

The win­ners of Olympi­ad 2021/22 (those with Dip­lo­mas I‑III) can par­ti­cip­ate dir­ectly in the final round.

Inform­a­tion on how to sub­mit solu­tions will be avail­able shortly.

Any ques­tions?

You can send your ques­tions (about both the prob­lems and the par­ti­cip­a­tion) to the organ­izers by e‑mail olimp.​eng@​formulo.​org.

Good luck!


October 19, 2022

There will be two rounds in the Inter­na­tion­al Eng­lish Olympi­ad «For­mula of Unity»/«The Third Millennium».

Qual­i­fy­ing round

The first round, by cor­res­pond­ence, will be held from Octo­ber 20 to Novem­ber 13.

Detailed inform­a­tion will be avail­able near the start of the round. For par­ti­cip­a­tion (includ­ing send­ing your answers) you have to  register in our inform­a­tion system:

Final round

The second (final) round of the Olympi­ad will be held in the end of Feb­ru­ary — March, 2022 at mul­tiple sites in vari­ous coun­tries. Detailed inform­a­tion about loc­a­tions will be avail­able near the start of the round.