2017 — 2018: Mathematics

The Olympi­ad is organ­ized by ITMO Uni­ver­sity, North­ern (Arc­tic) Fed­er­al Uni­ver­sity named after M.V. Lomono­sov,  South­w­est State Uni­ver­sity and Euler Found­a­tion.

Math Olympiad 2017-18

School stu­dents of grades 5–11 from Rus­sia and of equi­val­ent grades from all over the world are invited to participate.

Par­ti­cip­a­tion in the com­pet­i­tion is free. All school stu­dents can take part in the first round and the win­ners of the first round are invited to the second round. Win­ners of the pre­vi­ous Olympi­ad (with dip­lo­mas of any degree) are also invited dir­ectly to the second round. Par­ti­cipants with the best res­ults in the second round will be awar­ded with dip­lo­mas and invited (with reduced fee) to the inter­na­tion­al math­em­at­ic­al camp «For­mulo de Integreco».

The Olympi­ad is over!

The award­ing cere­mony took place on June 25, 2018 at ITMO University.

The Olympiad is over!

This year, the qual­i­fy­ing round gathered about 4000 stu­dents, of which more than 1600 passed to the final round. More than 350 chil­dren were awar­ded with dip­lo­mas of dif­fer­ent degrees for suc­cess­ful participation.

Chronology of events

All the news about the Olympiad are posted below from newest to oldest.

Pre­lim­in­ary res­ults of unof­fi­cial participants

March 30, 2018

The below table con­tains all res­ults of unof­fi­cial par­ti­cipants except for those from Ecuador (their res­ults will be added later).

Pre­lim­in­ary res­ults (updated on April 3)

You can request your work by the jury not later than on April 5 and send us an appeal (a request to recon­sider the solu­tion of a spe­cif­ic prob­lem) not later than on April 10. For this pur­pose, please send a mes­sage to the jury (solv@​formulo.​org) with the grade (R5, R6, …) in the sub­ject line. Please include your name in the text adding «Request of my solu­tions» or «Appeal, prob­lem No. …».

Final res­ults

March 28, 2018

We pub­lish res­ults of the final round of the Olympiad:

Res­ults (updated on April 18)

The award­ing cere­mony will take place in St. Peters­burg on July 27.

Pre­lim­in­ary res­ults of the final round

March 18, 2018

We pub­lish pre­lim­in­ary res­ults of the final round, each grade is on a sep­ar­ate sheet:

Pre­lim­in­ary res­ults (updated on March 26 at 13:35 msk)

You can request your work by the jury not later than on March 21 and send us an appeal (a request to recon­sider the solu­tion of a spe­cif­ic prob­lem) not later than on March 23. For this pur­pose, please send a mes­sage to the jury (solv@​formulo.​org) with the grade (R5, R6, …) in the sub­ject line. Please include your name in the text adding «Request of my solu­tions» or «Appeal, prob­lem No. …».

The table con­tains res­ults of offi­cial par­ti­cipants only. Res­ults of unof­fi­cial par­ti­cipants will be pub­lished later.

Solu­tions of prob­lems of the final round

March 3, 2018

Here are the solu­tions.

Pre­lim­in­ary res­ults of the final round will be pub­lished between March 15 and March 20.

Final round

January 19, 2018

The final round of the Olympi­ad will be held between Feb­ru­ary 2 and Feb­ru­ary 14, depend­ing on the coun­try. See the below table for dates and addresses; more details can be avail­able from loc­al organ­izers and/​or will be added later. The dur­a­tion of the round is 4 hours.

Loc­a­tions of the final round (updated on Feb 8 at 09:20)

For loc­a­tions in Belarus, Kaza­kh­stan, Kyrgyz­stan, Rus­sia, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbek­istan, see the Rus­si­an page.

The table of par­ti­cipants is sor­ted by coun­tries, regions, cit­ies and edu­ca­tion­al institutions:

Par­ti­cipants (updated on Feb 1 at 01:45)

Res­ults of the qual­i­fy­ing round

December 30, 2017

The jury has com­pleted eval­u­ation of solu­tions sub­mit­ted by almost 4000 par­ti­cipants from 22 coun­tries: Belarus, Bul­garia, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, Egypt, Esto­nia, Geor­gia, Ger­many, Iran, Japan, Kaza­kh­stan, Kyrgys­tan, Mex­ico, Mol­dova, Pakistan, Romania, Rus­sia, Spain, Ukraine, USA, and Uzbekistan.

Each solu­tion was scored out of 7 points. In the below table the res­ults for each grade are presen­ted on a sep­ar­ate sheet. The par­ti­cipants are sor­ted by coun­try, region, and city.

Res­ults of the qual­i­fy­ing round (updated on 22.01.18 at 09:50 Moscow time)

Some res­ults can be miss­ing if the jury has not received the sub­mis­sions for tech­nic­al reas­ons. If your res­ult is miss­ing, please inform the Organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee (olimp@​formulo.​org) as soon as pos­sible. Please indic­ate your name, grade, coun­try and city and describe how you have sub­mit­ted your work. We also ask every­body to inform us on incor­rect or incom­plete data.

The res­ult «-1» denotes dis­qual­i­fic­a­tion because of cooper­a­tion between par­ti­cipants or signs of plagiarism.

The par­ti­cipants from grades R5 and R6 with 30 or more points and those from R7-R11 with 32 or more points will be invited to the final round to be held on Feb­ru­ary 4 or on an adja­cent date. All neces­sary inform­a­tion will be sent by email.

Start of the qual­i­fy­ing round

October 16, 2017

Gen­er­al principles

Here is the qual­i­fy­ing (remote) round of the com­pet­i­tion. You can solve prob­lems until Novem­ber 13, 2017.

Please remem­ber that your solu­tion of every prob­lem should include not only the right answer but the full reas­on­ing as well.

We will be happy if your friends who like math­em­at­ics also par­ti­cip­ate. How­ever, every assign­ment should be done indi­vidu­ally; oth­er­wise, your sub­mis­sion will not be considered.

Please be care­ful with pre­par­a­tion of your work, fol­low the rules and provide all neces­sary data. You do not need to include prob­lem state­ments into your sub­mis­sion; please write down your solu­tions only.

You can write your solu­tions by hand and scan them or type them using a text edit­or. Solu­tions should be writ­ten in Esper­anto, Eng­lish, French, Geor­gi­an, Ger­man, Per­sian, Romani­an, Rus­si­an, Span­ish, Ukrain­i­an, or Uzbek. Use of oth­er lan­guages should be agreed with the organ­izers in advance. For anonym­ous grad­ing, you should not write your name on the paper sheets with solutions.

The win­ners of Olympi­ad 2016/17 (those with Dip­lo­mas I‑III) can par­ti­cip­ate dir­ectly in the final round.

How to sub­mit solutions

Before sub­mit­ting your solu­tions, please fill in a ques­tion­naire. (Down­load it in Excel format if MS Excel is avail­able. Oth­er­wise, down­load it as pdf and add your answers or cre­ate an .odt or a .txt file.)

The solu­tions should be sub­mit­ted to the Jury by Novem­ber 13. If you received any instruc­tions from your loc­al organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee or a teach­er, please fol­low them.

Oth­er­wise, please type or scan your solu­tions into one of the fol­low­ing formats: txt, doc, odt, pdf, jpg. The files should not con­tain your name (even in the file names). Then you can email your solu­tions to solv@​formulo.​org. You can attach sev­er­al files or cre­ate a .zip archive. Please attach your ques­tion­naire as a sep­ar­ate file to the same mes­sage. Please indic­ate your grade of par­ti­cip­a­tion (R5, …, R11) in the Sub­ject line.

Any ques­tions?

You can send your ques­tions to the organ­izers (but not the solu­tions of prob­lems) to olimp@​formulo.​org.