2013 — 2014: Mathematics

In the aca­dem­ic year 2013/14 St. Peters­burg Uni­ver­sity togeth­er with Euler Found­a­tion holds the united inter­na­tion­al math­em­at­ic­al olympi­ad «For­mula of Unity» / «The Third Millenium».

This Olympi­ad fol­lows tra­di­tions of two dif­fer­ent olympi­ads. One of them, For­mulo de Integreco», was estab­lished in 2012 with par­ti­cip­a­tion of more than 1000 stu­dents from 50 regions of Rus­si­an Fed­er­a­tion and from 8 oth­er coun­tries. Anoth­er one, «Third Mil­len­ni­um», dates back to 2000 and involves hun­dreds of thou­sands of par­ti­cipants from Rus­si­an Fed­er­a­tion, Belor­us­sia and oth­er coun­tries. The Olympi­ad is a part of the pro­gram «For­mula of Unity» that includes also sum­mer inter­na­tion­al multi-dis­cip­lin­ary camps as described in oth­er sec­tions of this site.

The par­ti­cip­a­tion is free of charge.

E‑mail of the Organ­iz­ing Com­mit­tee: fdi@​imi.​ras.​ru.

The Olympi­ad is over!

Over 5000 stu­dents from dif­fer­ent coun­tries (Rus­sia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kaza­kh­stan, Tajikistan, Geor­gia, Spain, Romania, Croa­tia, Israel, USA, Canada and Ecuador) par­ti­cip­ated in the first round of the Olympi­ad. More than 1000 of them passed to the final round.

After the second round 459 par­ti­cipants were awar­ded with dip­lo­mas of dif­fer­ent degrees.

Chronology of events

All the news about the Olympiad are posted below from newest to oldest.

Pre­lim­in­ary Final res­ults of the second round

March 15, 2014

The list (updated on April 6) con­tains the pre­lim­in­ary final res­ults of the second round. The award­ing cere­mony will take place on March 29 in the main build­ing of St. Peters­burg University.

The first sheet of this file con­tains the res­ults of all par­ti­cipants sor­ted by region, loc­al­ity, edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tion, class and last name. The fol­low­ing sheets include res­ults in sep­ar­ate grades sor­ted by score. In the column «Dip­loma» it is writ­ten the degree of the dip­loma or the let­ters «CA» denot­ing an hon­or­able mention.

This list does not include the res­ults of the par­ti­cipants who were dis­qual­i­fied for viol­at­ing the rules of the Olympics.

We kindly ask you to inform us about any errors in per­son­al data espe­cially if you won a dip­loma or a com­mend­able review.

Inform­a­tion about award­ing ceremony

March 8, 2014

All win­ners of FdI Olympi­ad are invited to the award­ing cere­mony on March 29, 2014, in the main build­ing of St. Peters­burg Uiniversity at 11:00.

All the par­ti­cipants will be provided with free acco­mod­a­tion at the gues­t­house of Aca­dem­ic Gim­nas­i­um of St. Peters­burg Uni­ver­sity from March 28 to March 30. Earli­er arrival is pos­sible. Visa invit­a­tions and oth­er form­al­it­ies can be promptly arranged as needed.

We ask all the win­ners to inform the organ­izers (fdi@​imi.​ras.​ru) before March 13 wheth­er they can attend the cere­mony. Altern­at­ively, one can receive the dip­loma (or hon­or­able men­tion) by mail.

The eval­u­ation of the second round solu­tions is about to end

February 26, 2014

Pre­lim­in­ary res­ults of the 2nd round of FdI Olympi­ad will be pub­lished in 2–3 days.

Appeals (requests to ree­valu­ate one’s work) can be sub­mit­ted with­in one week thereafter.

Second round is over

February 17, 2014

The second round of the «For­mula of Unity» / «Third Mil­len­ni­um» has ended today.

About 1000 stu­dents par­ti­cip­ated «in com­pet­i­tion» and almost as many people — «out of competition».

The res­ults will be pub­lished at the end of February.

By this link you can find the list of problems.

Inform­a­tion about the second round

January 19, 2014

The second (final) round of the Olympi­ad «For­mula of Unity» / «The Third Mil­len­ni­um» 2013/14 is intra­mur­al. It will be held in a num­ber of places on Feb­ru­ary 26. The round will last for 4 hours.

Par­ti­cipants of the 2nd round include the win­ners of the first round as well as all those who received dip­lo­mas for win­ning in the Olympi­ad 2012/13 (lists were pub­lished earlier).

Rules of the 2nd round

  1. The offi­cial par­ti­cipants of the 2nd round include the win­ners of the 1st round as well as win­ners (i. e. those awar­ded with dip­lo­mas) of the Olympi­ads «For­mula of Unity» and «The Third Mil­len­ni­um» in the year 2012–13.
    «Out of com­pet­i­tion» par­ti­cipants can include:
    1. up to 4 stu­dents from an organ­iz­a­tion host­ing the 2nd round;
    2. all par­ti­cipants of the camps «For­mula of Unity»;
    3. any oth­er groups of stu­dents based on a pri­or agree­ment with the Organ­iz­ing Committee.
  2. The dur­a­tion of the 2nd round is 4 hours.
  3. The par­ti­cipants are to fill in a par­ti­cipant form they receive along with the prob­lems. They have to bring their pens and some vir­gin paper. Dur­ing the round, it is not allowed to use cal­cu­lat­ors, com­puters, mobile phones and oth­er com­mu­nic­a­tion tools.
  4. Since the date of the 2nd round var­ies among coun­tries, the Organ­iz­ing Com­mit­tee asks the par­ti­cipants and loc­al organ­izers no to pub­lish the prob­lems before Feb­ru­ary 16.
  5. The pre­lim­in­ary res­ults (for offi­cial par­ti­cipants and out of com­pet­i­tion par­ti­cipants from the groups «A» and «B») will be pub­lished before the end of Feb­ru­ary. The appeals (requests to recon­sider one’s solu­tions) can be sub­mit­ted with­in 2 days thereafter.
  6. The win­ners of the 2nd round from the offi­cial par­ti­cipants will be awar­ded by dip­lo­mas of the Olympi­ad winners.
    The win­ners of the 2nd round from the out of com­pet­i­tion par­ti­cipants will be awar­ded by dip­loma of the 2nd round winners.

Inform­a­tion for organ­iz­a­tions that host the 2nd round

  1. The Organ­iz­ing Com­mit­tee asks the loc­al organ­izers to ensure par­ti­cipants’ com­pli­ance with the rules. The time neces­sary to fill in the par­ti­cipant form is not included into 4 hours provided for solv­ing problems.
  2. The Olympi­ad papers are to be scanned and sent to fdi-​tmj@​formulo.​org not later than on the next day. The papers of par­ti­cipants of dif­fer­ent grades should be e‑mailed in sep­ar­ate mes­sages. Par­ti­cipant forms are to be e‑mailed along with the papers in the same mes­sages. The sub­jects of the mes­sages should include the words «Second round», the name of the host organ­iz­a­tion and the grade (R5, R6, etc).
  3. In case of any uncer­tainty, please con­tact the Organ­iz­ing Com­mit­tee by fdi@​imi.​ras.​ru.

Pre­lim­in­ary Final res­ults of the first round

December 31, 2013

Dear par­ti­cipants of the Olympiad,

The jury has essen­tially com­pleted eval­u­ation of the solu­tions of the 1st round (except for a few schools of Rus­sia and Ukraine). The max­im­al score for each prob­lem was 7 points. To pass to the 2nd round, it was suf­fi­cient to receive 18 points. (In some cases, the par­ti­cipants with scores 14 to 17 were also invited to the 2nd round.)

We pub­lish the list of par­ti­cipants of the 2nd round which will take place in the end of January:

The par­ti­cipants will be informed about the date and place in their coun­tries later.

Also, the win­ners (awar­ded with dip­lo­mas) of the pre­vi­ous Olympi­ads «For­mula of Unity» and «The Third Mil­len­ni­um» will be invited to the 2nd round.

We plan to dis­trib­ute per­son­al res­ults among loc­al organ­izers and indi­vidu­al par­ti­cipants by e‑mail before Janu­ary 12. In the case of dis­agree­ment with the per­sol­nal res­ults, the par­ti­cipants will have a week to request a recon­sid­er­a­tion of their works. If you (or your loc­al organ­izer) does not receive your res­ults by Janu­ary 12, please inform the jury imme­di­ately by e‑mail fdi-​tmj@​formulo.​org.

Solu­tions of the first round problems

November 29, 2013

The eval­u­ation of solu­tions of the prob­lems of the first round will be com­pleted soon, so it is time to pub­lish the solu­tions of the prob­lems.

The end of the first round

October 22, 2013

First round if the Olympi­ad is over! The eval­u­ation of solu­tions has started.

Inform­a­tion for par­ti­cipants from Tajikistan

October 3, 2013

The par­ti­cipants of our Olympi­ad in Tajikistan can send their solu­tions in paper format to any of the fol­low­ing two addresses.

  1. 734019, Dush­anbe, мкр. Испечак‑2, ТРГИ «Хотам и П.В.»
  2. 734043, Dush­anbe, Mayakovsky Street No: 27/1, Tajik Turk­ish Haji Kemal High School.

Start of the first round

October 1, 2013

First round will last until the 21st of Octo­ber.


Inform­a­tion for participants

Announce­ment of the Olympiad

September 20, 2013

Dear friends!

We are happy to announce the forth­com­ing inter­na­tion­al math­em­at­ic­al olympi­ad «For­mulo de Integreco» / «The Third Millennium».

Middle/​high school stu­dents (11-year old and above) are invited to par­ti­cip­ate. The Olympi­ad includes two rounds. The first round, by cor­res­pond­ence, will take place from the 1st till 21st of Octo­ber 2013. The prob­lems will be pub­lished on Octo­ber 1st on our web­site; they are to be solved with­in 3 weeks. There will be 7 sets of prob­lems for 7 school grades respect­ively. The second round, real-time, will be organ­ized sim­ul­tan­eously at mul­tiple sites in vari­ous coun­tries on a cer­tain date in Janu­ary 2014 (to be confirmed).

Every­body is invited to take part in the first round and the win­ners will be invited to the second round. 14­ to 17–year old stu­dents show­ing best res­ults in the second round will be invited to the inter­na­tion­al math­em­at­ic­al camp «For­mulo de Integreco».

Inform­a­tion for indi­vidu­al participants

The par­ti­cipants are sup­posed to be school stu­dents of grades equi­val­ent to Rus­si­an grades 5­­–11. Those from coun­tries with a dis­tinct sys­tem of grades will be able to choose their sets of prob­lems accord­ing to a table of match­ing grades to be pub­lished along with the prob­lems. In coun­tries with very dif­fer­ent math­em­at­ic­al cur­riculum this can be treated dif­fer­ently (based on an agree­ment with the organ­izers). Solu­tions should be writ­ten in Rus­si­an, Eng­lish, Span­ish, or Esper­anto and sub­mit­ted via e‑mail in one of the stand­ard formats (doc, txt, odt) or as scanned hand-writ­ten documents.

The prob­lems, e‑mail address for sub­mit­ting solu­tions, and detailed instruc­tions will be pub­lished on Octo­ber 1 in Rus­si­an, Eng­lish and Spanish.

If your teach­er (or a loc­al coordin­at­or) coordin­ates your par­ti­cip­a­tion in the Olympi­ad, please fol­low the instruc­tions received from them.

Inform­a­tion for teach­ers and loc­al coordinators

We would be grate­ful for any help in coordin­at­ing the Olympi­ad loc­ally thus con­trib­ut­ing to our com­mon goal of rising school stu­dent interest in math­em­at­ics. You may organ­ize par­ti­cip­a­tion of stu­dents from a class, a school, or an entire town or city. How­ever, it is import­ant that stu­dents par­ti­cip­ate vol­un­tar­ily and work individually.

After col­lect­ing writ­ten or typed solu­tions from the par­ti­cipants you can send them to us not later than on Octo­ber 22. You will be informed about the res­ults at a later time (depend­ing on the num­ber of participants).

How­ever, instead of this, you could eval­u­ate the solu­tions your­self. If you choose this option, you will receive cor­rect solu­tions and cri­ter­ia for eval­u­ation from us between Octo­ber 23 and 27. In this case you will send us only sub­mis­sions from the par­ti­cipants with the best scores on our request.

If you eval­u­ate the solu­tions your­self, you will need to send us the list of par­ti­cipants by Octo­ber 22 and the res­ults of eval­u­ation by Novem­ber 10 (unless we agree upon a dif­fer­ent timeline).

Although it is not neces­sary to inform us about par­ti­cip­a­tion of your group in advance, it will be help­ful if you do so by con­tact­ing us via e‑mail fdi@​imi.​ras.​ru.  Please provide the fol­low­ing inform­a­tion in your message:

  • The name and the type of the group of par­ti­cipants (a class, a school, a city or a country);
  • Estim­ate the num­ber of par­ti­cipants in this group;
  • Indic­ate wheth­er you will eval­u­ate the solu­tions yourself.

If you are ready to coordin­ate the Olympi­ad and per­form the eval­u­ation in a big com­munity such as a city, a region or a coun­try, we will appre­ci­ate if you can con­tact us before the begin­ning of the Olympiad.

Usage of oth­er languages

If you are able to eval­u­ate the solu­tions by your­self (or with the help of oth­er loc­al coordin­at­ors), you can also trans­late the prob­lems and offer them to stu­dents in a lan­guage oth­er than Rus­si­an, Eng­lish, or Span­ish. We will con­tact you if we need your help trans­lat­ing the solutions.

Thank You very much for your participation!