Inter­na­tion­al camp in Len­in­grad region — postponed

14–18 years old stu­dents from all over the world are invited to take part in the 9th inter­na­tion­al ses­sion of the Multi-dis­cip­lin­ary sum­mer camp «For­mula of Unity».

International camp in Leningrad region -- postponed International camp in Leningrad region -- postponed International camp in Leningrad region -- postponed

Gen­er­al inform­a­tion about the camp

Stay tuned for updates, the loc­a­tion may change.

Organ­iz­a­tion of a day at the camp

International camp in Leningrad region -- postponedDaily activ­it­ies in our camp include two parts: edu­ca­tion­al (one sub­ject by choice) and cre­at­ive. Both of them are oblig­at­ory.

Edu­ca­tion­al part

The list of sub­jects can be expanded.

Teach­ing and com­mu­nic­a­tion will be in Eng­lish! Required level of lan­guage is inter­ma­di­ate or B1 at least. After sub­mit­ting the regis­tra­tion form we will con­tact you about an inter­view to test your level.

Cre­at­ive partInternational camp in Leningrad region -- postponed

The «cre­at­ive» part of the day will be based on col­lect­ive cre­at­ive activ­ity in teams where paticipants of dif­fer­ent ages, coun­tries and sub­jects will be mixed.
In the cre­at­ive part of the day (after lunch) the par­ti­cipants will be engaged in such tra­di­tion­al for FdI camps activ­it­ies as:

  • dis­cus­sions
  • mind games
  • role-play­ing and busi­ness games
  • sport activ­it­ies
  • work­shops in vari­ous top­ics, includ­ing lan­guage classes led by par­ti­cipants from dif­fer­ent countries
  • quests
  • candles (even­ing con­ver­sa­tions in the groups on a cer­tain topic)
  • team-build­ing training
  • and many oth­er things.

The par­ti­cipants will also gain exper­i­ence of being organ­izers of cer­tain activ­it­ies and of being a «coordin­at­or of the day». They will learn to appear on stage, to express their opin­ions, and to defend their views, improv­ing their skills of inform­al com­mu­nic­a­tion in English.

Excur­sions: there will be one day-long excur­sion to St. Peters­burg. If you are inter­ested in more sight­see­ing, we recom­mend to stay in St. Peters­burg sev­er­al days before or after the camp. We can arrange cheap accom­mod­a­tion for you in a hotel.


The fee covers:

  • accom­mod­a­tion in the recre­ation cen­ter from July 14 to July 27, 5 meals a day
  • train­ing, sports and cul­tur­al program
  • trans­fer from the air­port in St. Peters­burg to the camp and back
  • excur­sion around St. Petersburg
  • souven­ir set (a t‑shirt, a pen, etc)
  • regis­tra­tion of a for­eign­er in the Migra­tion Office.

The organ­izers cov­er the lodging and meals for one accom­pa­ny­ing teach­er for each group.


Regis­tra­tion takes place in our Inform­a­tion sys­tem. If you are hav­ing prob­lems dur­ing regis­tra­tion, please check the «Regis­tra­tion instruc­tions» but­ton below:

Regis­tra­tion is tem­por­ar­ily closed, stay tuned

Con­tacts of the organ­izers of the camp