Regis­tra­tion for the final stage

Dear par­ti­cipants!
Regis­tra­tion is open for the final stage of the Olympi­ad, which will take place on March 9 from 10 to 14 loc­al time (Time and date may vary in some coun­tries, exact inform­a­tion can be found in the list of ven­ues in your per­son­al account. The time in the inform­a­tion sys­tem is Moscow time. We recom­mend check­ing the inform­a­tion a couple of days before the Olympi­ad, as the organ­izers may adjust the start time of the Olympiad).

To select a ven­ue in your per­son­al account, you need to:
1) go to the «Olympi­ads» section;
2) find the Olympi­ad «Math­em­at­ics 2024–25» in the table of Olympiads;
3) click the green «Open» but­ton under the words «Final Stage» next to your class number;
4) put a check mark next to the appro­pri­ate ven­ue. You don’t need to do any­thing else, just a check mark.

If you have not fully entered the per­son­al data required for par­ti­cip­a­tion, the sys­tem will offer to do so.
If you do not see a win­dow to register for the final stage, write to isys@​formulo.​org.
On the page with the list of sites at the top you will see your par­ti­cipant code; write it down and take it with you to the Olympi­ad. The code must be indic­ated on each page of your Olympi­ad work. We also recom­mend writ­ing down the organ­izer­’s phone num­ber (in the descrip­tion of the site).
We recom­mend arriv­ing at the selec­ted site 10–15 minutes before the spe­cified time to find the right room. You must have an iden­tity doc­u­ment with you, as well as a blank A4 sheet of paper. You must not use phones or oth­er means of com­mu­nic­a­tion dur­ing the Olympiad.

❗️ In-per­son sites are planned in Bul­garia, Mol­dova, Romania, Tur­key and Uzbek­istan. Please stay tuned for updates.

❗️ If there is no ven­ue in your region, you can con­tact the organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee to dis­cuss its organ­iz­a­tion. The final decision will be made after approv­al by the man­age­ment. To do this, you need to con­tact Alexandra.