Pre­lim­in­ary res­ults of the qual­i­fy­ing round

More than 3000 stu­dents from 24 coun­tries took part in the qual­i­fy­ing round.

A solu­tion of each prob­lem was scored out of 7 points. In the below table the res­ults for each grade are presen­ted on a sep­ar­ate sheet. The par­ti­cipants are sor­ted by coun­try and name.

Res­ults of the qual­i­fy­ing round (updated on Jan 31, 23:55 Moscow time)

The res­ult «-1» denotes dis­qual­i­fic­a­tion because of cooper­a­tion between par­ti­cipants or signs of plagiarism.

The par­ti­cipants who reached the threshold score from the below table will be invited to the final round to be held on Feb­ru­ary 24 or on an adja­cent date. All neces­sary inform­a­tion will be sent by email.

Grade: R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11
Score: 18 18 15 20 20 20 20



Some res­ults can be miss­ing if the jury has not received the sub­mis­sions for tech­nic­al reas­ons. If your res­ult is miss­ing, please inform the Organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee (olimp@​formulo.​org) as soon as pos­sible and any­way before Janu­ary 15. Please indic­ate your name, grade, coun­try and city and describe how you have sub­mit­ted your work. We also ask every­body to inform us on incor­rect or incom­plete data.