Start of the qual­i­fy­ing round

Here is the first (cor­res­pond­ence) round of competition.

Please remem­ber that your solu­tion of every prob­lem should include full reas­on­ing, and not only the right answer.

We will be happy if your friends who like math­em­at­ics also par­ti­cip­ate. How­ever, every work should be done per­son­ally; oth­er­wise, your paper will not be considered.

Please be care­ful with mak­ing up of your work, fol­low the rules and declare all neces­sary data. You need not include state­ments of prob­lems into your paper; please write down your solu­tions only.

You can write your solu­tions by hand and scan them or type them using a text edit­or. Solu­tions should be writ­ten in Esper­anto, Eng­lish, French, Ger­man, Geor­gi­an, Hebrew, Romani­an, Rus­si­an, Span­ish, Ukrain­i­an, or Viet­namese; use of oth­er lan­guages should be agreed with the organ­izers in advance. Your work should be sub­mit­ted not later than on Novem­ber 12, 2015. For anonym­ous grad­ing, you should not write down your name on the paper sheets with solutions.

How to sub­mit solutions

There are two ways to do it: «offi­cial» and «unof­fi­cial».

1. Offi­cial participation

With this option you can res­ult in receiv­ing a Dip­loma of the United Olympi­ad approved by the Rus­si­an Coun­cil of School Olympiads.

You should register on the web site of the Olympi­ad of St. Peters­burg Uni­ver­sity olymp​.spbu​.ru and upload your solu­tions via your per­son­al cabinet.

Detailed instruc­tion on regis­tra­tion in English.

2. Unof­fi­cial participation

With this option you qual­i­fy as a par­ti­cipant of the 16th Olympi­ad «The Third Mil­len­ni­um» and not as a par­ti­cipant of the United Olympiad.

You can send your solu­tions along with a filled-in ques­tion­naire to:

  1. FdI.​Olymp.​Solutions@​outlook.​com;
  2. a loc­al organizer.


Your ques­tions to the organ­izers can be sent to FdI.​Olymp.​Comittee@​outlook.​com.