Final res­ults of the first round

Final results of the first roundFinal results of the first roundThe first round of the Olympi­ad «For­mulo of Unity» / «The Third Mil­len­ni­um» 2014/15 involved more than 6000 school stu­dents from 15 countries.

We pub­lish list of the win­ners of the first round (updanted on Janu­ary 27)

If you are not in the list and inter­ested to know your res­ult please write to the jury at fdi-​tmj@​formulo.​org.

The max­im­al score for each of the prob­lems was 7. The threshold to pass to the second round was:


The second round will be held on Feb­ru­ary 1 8, 2015 sim­ul­tan­eously in vari­ous sites. The list of the sites will be pub­lished later. Besides of the win­ners of the 1st round, the win­ners of the 2013/14 Olympi­ad are invited to par­ti­cip­ate in the 2nd round.