Mes­sage from the organ­iz­ing committee

Good morn­ing!

Dear par­ti­cipants, we have a major fail­ure. Over 2000 accounts have been registered in the last few days. Unfor­tu­nately, many people make a mis­take in their email address when regis­ter­ing, so our serv­er is tem­por­ar­ily blocked.

The organ­iz­ing com­mit­tee is already dis­cuss­ing the pos­sib­il­ity of extend­ing the qual­i­fy­ing round. We will def­in­itely let you know!

The Olympi­ad tasks are avail­able on the web­site. You can solve them without regis­tra­tion, and after restor­ing access, enter them into the system.

We apo­lo­gize!