Inter­na­tion­al camp in Munich, Germany

Dates: August 1 — August 12, 2018
Main leader: Natalia Glushkova
Director: Juri Chervinski

What is a mod­ern city and how to live in it? The ques­tions may seem simple, but there are so many dif­fer­ent answers! Our small inter­na­tion­al team of the pro­ject camp in Munich tried to find and imple­ment them in 2018, 1–12 of August.

International camp in Munich, GermanyWith their tutors’ help, school­chil­dren and stu­dents from Rus­sia, Ger­many and Spain developed three pro­jects aimed at improv­ing a mod­ern city (using the example of Munich):

  • Pass­ive house (House, func­tion­ing independently)
  • Edu­ca­tion­al pro­gram in ZOO (Edu­ca­tion­al pro­gram at a zoo),
  • Nav­ig­a­tion app (Applic­a­tion to pre­vent a large num­ber of traffic jams).

10 days the guys were cre­at­ing new ideas, offer­ing ways to imple­ment them, hav­ing con­sidered the struc­tur­al, func­tion­al, fin­an­cial and socio-polit­ic­al aspects. For a visu­al rep­res­ent­a­tion of what needs to be done, each group had a tour aimed at improv­ing their pro­ject: an already exist­ing Pass­ive house in Munich, the Tier­park Hel­lab­runn (zoo) and the West­park sec­tion, where you can exam­ine in detail the busy trans­port route of the city. The res­ult of the work was a gen­er­al present­a­tion of the pro­jects, which took place at the end of the camp. Any­one could have vis­ited this event, and our audi­ence were volun­teers and guests of the cul­tur­al cen­ter GOROD where the camp was held.

International camp in Munich, GermanyInternational camp in Munich, GermanyThe cul­tur­al and edu­ca­tion­al pro­gram of the camp included excur­sions to Munich every after­noon, as well as day-long trips out­side of the city. So we vis­ited West­park (which we had already fallen in love with), the unique Gamelan museum loc­ated in the Munich City Museum, the Ger­man Tech­nic­al Museum, the Olympic Park, the zoo, the Lud­wig and Max­imili­an Uni­ver­sity Munich, we made many walks around the city cen­ter, and also spent unfor­get­table time on the Lake Tegernsee and in Nurem­berg, vis­it­ing its main attractions.

International camp in Munich, GermanyEach day of the camp had its own theme and idea, so excur­sions and even­ing cre­at­ive activ­it­ies were related to them. They were aimed at under­stand­ing the world, dif­fer­ent cul­tures and edu­ca­tion­al sys­tems, people and the par­ti­cipants them­selves. The chil­dren were divided into two groups: the Super milky cynos­ure and the Pin­guins’ club — who plunged into a vari­ety of cre­at­ive affairs every even­ing. The most mem­or­able events were the Trust Path on the Lake Tegernsee, the open­ing of the camp, shoot­ing videos on the top­ic «We wild, but still wise» dur­ing a vis­it to the zoo, express pro­jects in West­park, pho­to­cross in the city cen­ter, unplanned swim­ming, Alena’s birth­day party, which had been pre­pared for for sev­er­al days, the time on the Isar River on the last day and clos­ing the camp.

Our whole life is one big pro­ject, and we will def­in­itely meet in August, 2019 in Munich to con­tin­ue work­ing on it all together!

International camp in Munich, Germany



Announce­ment of the Munich camp 2018

Are you flu­ent in Eng­lish? Inter­ested in pro­jects? And you dream to vis­it the cap­it­al of Bav­aria? «For­mulo de Integreco» and Kul­turzen­trum «GOROD» …


1 August 2018

1st August. Munich. 34° C.

This day star­ted unex­pec­tedly with an arriv­ing of the par­ti­cipants from Saint Peters­burg and Moscow (we have guys from …

2 August 2018

Hey, every­one! Today was our first full day in Munich. We are going to tell you how we spent it. In the morn­ing we woke up quite late, and then our …

3 August 2018

Our new day («The power of inspir­a­tion day») star­ted with a lec­tion about smart cit­ies. It was quite inter­est­ing and the most part of us enjoyed it. …

4 August 2018

It was our fourth day in the camp, and it was an amaz­ing one. In the morn­ing we star­ted our trip to Tegernsee from watch­ing short movie about two …

5 August 2018

It was the next won­der­ful day in the camp, which told us «The small step for a man, one giant leap for human­ity».
In the morn­ing we had the opening …

6 August 2018

It was a wild day…the day of call of the wild. From the morn­ing we were try­ing to be wise even present­ing ourselves in the roles ordin­ary animals …

7 August 2018

This day star­ted with a very heart­felt con­grat­u­la­tion of Alena, because it was her 16th birth­day. Then we went to the Munich uni­ver­sity — LMU, where …

8 August 2018

It was the day of dis­cov­er­ing beauty in places which were built in ancient times for future gen­er­a­tions and which inspired people a lot of years ago …

9 August 2018

Today was quite hard, because we had a lot of time for work­ing with pro­jects. How­ever it was pretty funny and inter­est­ing to cre­ate some­thing new for …

10 August 2018

We were pre­pared to spend our day out­side, when we not­ised that it was rain­ing. So we con­tin­ued stay­ing at GOROD and had won­der­ful time with our …

11 August 2018

The last day of our camp…it was really sad one, because every­one under­stood that we need to say good­bye to each oth­er so soon. In the morn­ing we …