When we woke up, we were notified by the different leaders that there was exercise and then we go to breakfast.
Once we have breakfast, we headed to the Waterhouse where we were divided into the different groups corresponding to the subjects of math, chemistry and astronomy.
Today math profile started with entrance olympiad, made to divide students due to their level. Problems were well-prepared, and everyone found a proper challenge for themselves.
First day of Chemistry profile will be remembered by children because of relevant and useful topics like radioactive elements and their usage at atomic powerplans.
Students who have chosen astronomy, at their first class were talking about stars and celestial sphere, and were teached, how to use spheric coordinate system. Everyone enjoyed discovering space objects on a big screen in a special app.
Then we headed to the Main Building to lunch. Once already have eaten, we had the opportunity to perform one of the various sports activities such as Volleyball, Football or board games.
Because of the rain, there were changes of plans, and we decorated our group, so two other groups had an opportunity to suggest a name for us (and so did we), one of which we should choose to be our group name.
Then we headed to the Waterhouse to start a game «Open Door», which was planned by the Duty Commanders. The agility and integration of each group was measured and different challenges were solved, like moving a plastic glass with a band.
After this, we headed towards the Main Building for the Supper.
For the Evening Deed we had prepared a mechanism, so the others had to guess how it works, using both the name of the group and all the members’ names.
To sum up the day during Evening Lights we talked about the day’s theme «To be opened / To stay closed». Each one of us expressed our own thoughts about the topic in different situations.