Today, we started the day with breakfast; after, we went to our classes. This day was special because we had the opportunity to assist to the rest classes of fhe camp (astronomy, chemistry and maths) for 15 minutes… First, in chemistry we learnt about radioactivity; then, in astronomy we studied some constellations and the Moon. Finally in math, we had some problems about colorations in the topic of combinatory and an impressionant prove that only exists 5 regular polyhedrons.
After that we had quite a fascinating quiz about the facts being true or false. It helped us to understand that the border between real and imaginative things and events is hardly visible.
Then, we had a roleplay game where we experienced 8 various realities and had to communicate with people from those.
The final deal was ComicCon, we could feel ourselves as superheroes, anime, movie and comic characters. We had a lot of fun :)
As always, the day has ended with lovely evening lights.