Inter­na­tion­al spring camp in Losevo

March 26, 2019

Dear Diary,

Today we had a day of eco­logy and envir­on­ment­al prob­lems. We had a lot of entertainments.

First, we had eco­nom­ic­al game called «Walk­ing on the Earth». It was very act­ive and inter­est­ing. Then we had the Trust path ded­ic­ated to eco­lo­gic­al prob­lems. It con­nec­ted our group mem­bers and helped to get opened to each other.

And the most excit­ing thing was even­ing per­form­ance. Each group presen­ted itself. We had dif­fer­ent top­ics and we cre­ated solu­tions of eco­lo­gic­al prob­lems too. It was funny.