1st August. Munich. 34° C.
This day started unexpectedly with an arriving of the participants from Saint Petersburg and Moscow (we have guys from Russia, Ukraine, Germany and Spain). It is a small camp, but already really cozy one. It seems like if we were here already few weeks, but not only one day. After arriving we had a bit free time for having the rest and then went to know Harras area better by the quest. It was really interesting to discover this place for ourselves. Now we can be sure the we will not be lost here.
After all participants arriving to GOROD we had a common acquaintance with each other and organizers of the camp and also saw the building inside. Then we went to the West park for having common candle there. It was really atmospheric to seat on the grass in the heart of the park and just talk with whole camp (even if it is only about 25 people).
This day is only the beginning of our German adventure, and it promises to be really great one!