Inter­na­tion­al camp in Garbolovo

July 19, 2018

As usu­al, the day star­ted with morn­ing exer­cises, in which we all had fol­low the lead­er in games destined to pro­mote skills such as coordin­a­tion and feel­ings like the trust.

We all met at the big sum­mer-house after hav­ing break­fast togeth­er, where the duty com­mand­ers presen­ted us today’s top­ic: Tol­er­ance. After­wards, we went to our respect­ive classes.

At 14:30 we had lunch. Then we had activ­it­ies of choice, in which we could spend our free time doing whatever we wanted to.

Later we played a role game that con­sisted in get­ting to anoth­er plan­et by either shoot­ing or not anoth­er space­ship. Depend­ing on the decisions we and the oth­er team made, we could either win or lose points, fol­low­ing the logic of the pris­on­er dilemma. The hid­den aim of the game was both groups to arrive alive to the last plan­et, but no one knew about it, so the major­ity of the teams tried to kill the oth­ers in order to sur­vive and to be the only win­ning team.

The most inter­est­ing part of the day came with the activ­ity of dis­cus­sions; the par­ti­cipants were divided in two debat­ing groups and a wit­ness group that added extra conditions.

After sup­per each group had to choose a song of a top­ic related to tol­er­ance, such as friend­ship or kind­ness, and then per­formed it.

The last activ­ity we had was to watch a short film dur­ing the Even­ing light.


International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo International camp in Garbolovo