Our day started with a German breakfast: we had pretzels!
Then after meeting in the LES for the start of the day we went to a music museum and played all together in a Gamelan, a traditional kind of orchestra from Bali and Java, and even though it was a little bit difficult at the beginning to coordinate ourselves: keeping up with the tempo, playing the correct notes or at the right time… but still we managed to become a team and achieve a not tympanum-destroying sound!
After lunch we had our math classes and then we had some time to work on our projects and give a more detailed presentation on what we were really going to do.
Later on, we could enjoy ourselves and dance to great music with our wonderful friends in the party held at the Theatre Hall just before calming down and going with our groups to the candle!
As always we then had until 12 o’clock to prepare for bed and spend some time in our friends’ rooms before going to sleep in our own ones.