Inter­na­tion­al camp

July 27, 2017

Hello every­one!!!

Today is the 27th of July and I am going to present you unusu­al plan of our day from the end to the start of the day:)

This is what I wanted to write.

Hope you will like it:)


23:00 We had got a cool day, each of us really enjoyed it and we went to sleep.

22:00 We cleaned our won­der­ful teeth, talked with our Span­ish, Rus­si­an and Ira­ni­an friends and enjoyed it very much;)

20:00 We had got really cool disco. The music was won­der­ful and ener­get­ic:)))) We were really happy and enjoyed ourselves)

19:30 We enjoyed very tasty din­ner. And con­grat­u­lated the best boy in our group;)))))

18:00 Our group had amaz­ing pre­par­a­tion for even­ing event. We cre­ated dance, what opened even­ing disco;)

16:30 We had got really cool game called «Desy­atoch­ka». We cre­ated dif­fer­ent words, tried to recall pop­u­lar Rus­si­an TV pro­grams and Rus­si­an writers.

15:00 Today is Birth­day of the really cool, kind and won­der­ful boy — Nahuel. He is nice boy from the 2 group («Borpacho»;)) And in Rus­sia we had got a cool birth­day tra­di­tion:) We made believe that we did­n’t know noth­ing unusu­al about this day( Than we had pre­par­a­tions all day and at the even­ing we presen­ted our gifts:)))))))

14:30 We had tasty lunch and dis­cussed our group’s present for Nahuel)

09:30 We had got inter­est­ing les­sons)) Journ­al­ists made excit­ing film about our camp)

09:15 We had got start of the day. We enjoyed short per­form­ance by lead­er­’s help­ers about our timetable. But all Span­ish and Ira­ni­an guys went to the excur­sion so it was the Rus­si­an day) But we were really upset:((( Because it was bor­ing without them and their songs;((((

International camp
International camp