«For­mula of Unity» (For­mulo de Integreco, FdI)  is the pro­gram of the Euler Found­a­tion; it aims to help devel­op intel­lec­tu­al and cre­at­ive abil­it­ies of 13–17 year old school stu­dents inter­ested in sci­ence and art. The pro­gram involves inter­na­tion­al math­em­at­ic­al Olympi­ads, dis­tance edu­ca­tion­al circles, and also a net­work of chil­dren’s edu­ca­tion­al camps includ­ing the inter­na­tion­al one that wel­comes chil­dren from dif­fer­ent coun­tries such as Spain, Romania, Ecuador, France, the USA, China, Croa­tia, Israel, Kaza­kh­stan, Brazil, etc. Inter­na­tion­al sum­mer camps are car­ried out in St. Peters­burg and the Len­in­grad region.  Besides, every two years we organ­ize a camp in Seville with our part­ners from Spain.

«For­mula of Unity» is a pro­ject that unites dif­fer­ent people — pos­it­ive, cre­at­ive, search­ing, aspir­ing to know and to be skilled — in a team­work. As a res­ult all par­ti­cipants ful­fill their poten­tial: know­ledge, tal­ents, cre­at­ive exper­i­ence; they dis­cov­er new things about them­selves and oth­er people.

2024/25 Olympi­ads «For­mula of Unity»/«The Third millennium»


The pro­gram contains:

  1. Mul­tidiscip­lin­ary camps:
    1. annu­al mul­tidiscip­lin­ary inter­na­tion­al sum­mer camp in St. Peters­burg / Len­in­grad region (first held in 2012);
    2. inter­na­tion­al math camp in Spain (first held in 2014);
    3. inter­na­tion­al camp in Munich (first held in 2017);
    4. camps in oth­er regions (already held in Kon­do­poga, Kur­sk, Gelendzhik, Kalin­in­grad, Petrozavodsk).
  2. Inter­na­tion­al Math­em­at­ic­al Olympi­ad «For­mula of Unity»/«The Third Mil­len­ni­um» (first held in aca­dem­ic year 2012/13 with par­ti­cipants from 50 regions of the Rus­si­an Fed­er­a­tion and 8 oth­er countries).
  3. Dis­tance circles for Rus­si­an stu­dents of grades 5–11, involving inter­act­ive forms of work (held since March 2013).